Government of the Czech Republic

Exhibition 24. 4. - 12. 10. 2008: Vladimír Suchánek Selection of Lithographic Works

Exhibition from the series of presentations of contemporary Czech artists at the Straka Academy.

Organizer: Office of the Government of the Czech Republic

The exhibition was officially opened by Mirek Topolánek, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, at the building of the Office of the Government on Thursday 24th April 2008.

Vladimír Suchánek was born on 12 February 1933 in Nové Město nad Metují. He studied at Charles University, Prague (1952–54), under Professors Bouda, Lidický and Salcman, and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (1954–60), where he specialized in graphic arts under Professor Silovský. He specialises in graphic arts, painting, book illustrations, stamp designs and bookplates. Vladimiír Suchánek is a member of HOLLAR, the Association of Czech Graphic Artists. Since 1995, he has served as President of the Association. In 1997, he was appointed a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, based in Vienna. In 2006, he was awarded a state decoration – a Medal for service to art.

Vladimír Suchánek comes from a generation that played a crucial positive role in the development of Czech art in the second half of the 20th century. Suchánek's graphic prints reveal not only a rich imagination and characterful poetry, but also a masterful command of colour lithography, which is his graphic technique of choice. He has achieved widespread international recognition in this field, collecting 27 top awards for his work.

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