Exhibition from 15. 9. 2009: Václav Cigler, Michal Motyčka - Double Vertical
Three-dimensional object will be placed for the long term in the Kramář's villa at the entrance to the villa. From there it can be seen by the public. The exhibition includes also other author's objects which are placed in the exterior of the villa.
Organizer: Úřad vlády ČR
Exhibition curators: Adriana Primusová, Michal Motyčka
Venue: zahrada Kramářovy vily, Úřad vlády ČR, Gogolova 1, Praha 1.
Double Vertical (2009), Stainless steel, layered sheet glass, 0.2 x 0.3 x 10.3m
Double Vertical is point that is elementary and made significant in the sense of an axis notionally linking the sky and the ground, or as a line exceeding the limits of place, time and history. The action of light in the landscape transforms the glass elements of the vertical with the help of the light effects of a rainbow going through it. Thematically, it is one of a group of spatial projects, known as thoughts about the landscape, which Václav Cigler has been involved in since 1957. In them he muses on the relationship between man and nature. These relations—double relations—are meant as the essential unity of man and space, place and the order therein.
The academy-trained sculptor Václav Cigler, 1929, is an internationally-known artist working in glass. He studied at the University of Applied Arts in Prague, at the studio of Professor Josef Kaplický, in 1951–57. He established the Glass in Architecture studio at the Arts University in Bratislava in 1965, and ran it until 1979. His work is focused on three-dimensional objects from cut optical glass, designs and realisations of lighting elements and jewellery, drawings, spatial projects and compositions for architecture. He has created 21 installations in public spaces. He has presented his work at many independent and collective exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad. His work is represented in a number of significant private and public collections—Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Louny, Litoměřice, Bratislava, Rotterdam, Corning, London, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Coburg, Zurich, Amsterdam, Frankfurt a. M., Leyden, Paris, Montreal, Sapporo, Tel Aviv, etc. He has won a number of domestic and foreign prizes and awards for his work. As an artist and teacher he has significantly influenced the thinking and work of several generations of artists.
Václav Cigler has been working with the architect Michal Motyčka since 1999 and they have been preparing his exhibitions and thinking up spatial projects depending on the space promised for installation since 2001. Michal Motyčka is an architect and artist who studied at the architecture faculty at the Czech University of Technology, the Glass in Architecture studio of Marian Karel at the Applied Arts University in Prague, as an intern at the Architecture School of Prof. Emil Přikryl at the Arts Academy in Prague and at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, USA.