Opening of the Straka Academy Garden to the Public
Starting from Saturday 17 July 2010, visitors to Prague will have an opportunity to take a look round the Straka Academy garden every weekend until the end of October.
The garden designed by a significant garden architect František Thomayer served originally for boarders of the academy as a place for relaxation and sports. Sport equipment was removed after 1945 in the connection with using the building for the government purposes. At present, ceremonial reception of foreign visits are held in the garden which is in the course of the year closed to the public.
Entrance from the Kosárkovo nábřeží, opening hours from 10:00 to 17:00
The garden is situated in the premises of the Office of the Government, nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4, Prague 1
Because of security reasons, the visitors are asked not to enter the garden with large baggage.