Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations
The Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations is a permanent consultative, initiative and coordination body of the Government of the Czech Republic (hereinafter only the "CR") in the area of non-governmental non-profit organisations (hereinafter only "NGOs").
The Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations was established by Government Resolution of 10 June 1992 No. 428 as the Council for Foundations; it was subsequently transformed by Government Resolution of 30 March 1998 No. 223 into the Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations (hereinafter only the "Council").
The Council collates, discusses and, through its chair, submits to the government materials relating to NGOs and the creation of a suitable environment for their existence and activities.
The Council performs in particular the following tasks:
- initiates and assesses conceptual and implementation documents for government decisions concerning support for NGOs, legislative and political measures relating to the conditions of their activities,
- monitors, initiates and comments on legislation regulating the status and activities of NGOs, comments on proposals for legal amendments relating to NGOs,
- initiates cooperation among ministries, other administrative authorities and bodies of territorial self-governing units in the field of NGO support, including subsidy policy from public budgets,
- monitors, analyzes and publishes information on the position of NGOs within the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the "EU"), on the involvement of the Czech Republic in the EU with regard to NGOs and related financial resources, cooperates with ministers and other administrative authorities responsible for financial management of EU resources in the Czech Republic, as far as their use relates to NGOs,
- in cooperation with ministries, other administrative authorities, NGOs and other bodies and institutions, including bodies and institutions from the private sector, ensures the availability and publication of information on NGOs and on public policy measures affecting NGOs, including information on public and private funding of NGOs activities,
- participates in the measures taken by ministries and other administrative authorities that relate to NGOs, especially in the process of standardization of activities, allocation of accreditations and categorization of types of NGOs,
- submits an annual activity report for the preceding year.
The Statute and the Rules of Procedure are machine translated.