Government of the Czech Republic

Government Committee for Personnel Nominations

The starting point for the proper administration and management of legal entities with state ownership is a transparent and public selection of persons who represent the state in the management and supervisory bodies of these companies, which ensures that the members of these bodies are selected on the basis of their professional knowledge, but under the full responsibility of the relevant minister.

Fundamental progress in this regard was made by the approval of the new Nomination act, i.e. Act No. 353/2019 Coll., on the Selection of Persons to the Management and Supervisory Bodies of Legal Entities with a State Ownership Interest (Nomination Act), which came into effect on January 4, 2020. 

In accordance with the Nomination Act, the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 82 of January 27, 2020 established the Government Committee for Personnel Nominations and approved the Committee's Statute and Rules of Procedure of the Committee, which regulate the method of electing the chairman and vice-chairman, the course of the Committee's meetings and decision-making and other details.

The Committee shall assess the nominations of persons to be nominated or appointed by the State to the boards of directors of:

  1. a company in which the state has an ownership stake,
  2. a state enterprise, unless it is a state enterprise whose legal conditions are still governed by Act No. 111/1990 Coll., on State Enterprise, as amended,
  3. a national enterprise or
  4. the state organization Správa železnic.

Important information