Communication campaign "Faces of the Czech Presidency" has been launched
The first phase of the communication campaign promoting the Czech Presidency of the EU has been officially launched today. The first phase will last until the official presentation of the Presidency logo in November 2008 when the next phase of the campaign – focused on explanation of concrete topics - will be launched. The campaign was introduced during the joint press conference by the Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek and the Vice Minister for European Affairs Alexandr Vondra. The campaign is entitled “Faces of the Czech Presidency”.
The first phase of the campaign makes use of the moment of surprise and, in an original and entertaining way, attracts the attention of the national audience as the main and only target group to whom it is addressed. The slogan of the campaign goes with the rest of the campaign – it is witty, unsual and contains a double-meaning which cannot be translated without harming the campaign as a whole. However, the closest translation which should be used is “We will sweeten Europe”. The slogan and the overall catchy style of the campaign were deliberately chosen by the Czech Government to combat the indifference towards EU-related topics among Czech citizens (problem encountered in other EU countries as well). A number of polls showed that Czechs find the EU topics uninteresting and wish the Government to communicate in an original way. At the same time, the Office of the Government has today, for the first time, revealed the colours of the logo – but not the logo itself, which will be introduced only in November. The colours reflect the style of the campaign: they are original, cheerful and enjoyable.
The TV-spot, which represents the central point of the campaign, is based on a witty story featuring seven popular Czech celebrities famous at home as well as abroad. You can watch the spot on . Another important role in the spot is assigned to a sugar cube – a Czech invention from 1843, which has its own monument in the town of Dačice in Southern Bohemia. The TV-spot features the world-known architect Eva Jiřičná, prima ballerina Daria Klimentová, scientist and medicament developer Antonín Holý, conductor Libor Pešek as well as top-model Tereza Maxová, hockey player Jaromír Jágr and goalkeeper Petr Čech. All of them participated in the campaign pro bono.
The campaign consists of two related parts. The first one (ATL) consists in broadcasting the spot on TV. The second one (BTL) consists in outdoor and newspaper publicity (billboards, bigboards, hypercubes).
A number of top-class specialists have been involved in preparing the concept and production of the campaign. Alexandr Vondra’s team consisted of the well-known photographer Herbert Slavík, author of the concept “Faces of the Czech Presidency”, film director Alice Nellis and Art Director Eda Kauba, among others. The two-day shooting took place in Prague in August 2008. The overall costs of the first phase of the campaign amounted to 12 million CZK (450.000 EUR), representing approx. one third of the standard market price. Given the number of celebrities appearing in the spot, the costs would probably be even higher. Approximately half of the above sum was used for the concept and production, the other half for placing the advertisement.
To enhance the effect of the initial phase of the campaign, Mr. Vondra will visit selected regions during the first month of the information campaign. The other objective of his September “EU roadshow” is to assess state of preparations of these regions to host ministerial meetings during the Czech Presidency. Mr. Vondra will therefore dedicate special attention to visiting the selected conference venues. His program will also include public debates with students and citizens, working debates with mayors and the presidents of the regions as well as participation in outdoor cultural events.
Total costs of the “EU roadshow” organised by the Office of the Government are 250 000 CZK, individual regions have promised to contribute up to 200 000 CZK for each event. The remaining part of the costs (approx. 250 000 CZK per event) will be funded by sponsors and partners.
More in Press Release.